
Budget Organization

The annual budget includes Legislative and Restricted Funds. 


Legislative Funds

Legislative funds include state operating appropriations, federal and state directed appropriations, tuition, indirect cost revenue, and other miscellaneous revenue. These fund sources support instruction, research, financial aid, libraries, student services, all institutional and academic support offices, continuing education, public service and physical plant.


Restricted Funds

Includes expendable restricted and other funds, including funds closely related to education, funds whose use is restricted by terms of the gift, grant, or contract, and funds for units providing service to the institution. Budgets for the following types of activities are included.

  • Organized Activities

These are units that provide a service that is closely related and supportive of the education mission.

  • Auxiliary Enterprises

These enterprises are self-supporting units whose primary purpose is to provide service to students and staff. Included are the bookstore, residence system operations, utility enterprises, telecommunications, and athletics.

  • Independent Operations

The budget for the Ames Laboratory is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.