
Budget Communications 

November 18, 2020: President Wintersteen shared Budget and Appropriations Request for FY22.

February 3, 2021: President Wintersteen talks appropriations, COVID challenges, tenure with legislators

July 10, 2020: President Wintersteen shared the FY2021 Budget Development Decisions.

July 29, 2020: President Wintersteen shared the FY2021 Budget Presentation to Board of Regents.


  • FY20 Legislative Request

President Wintersteen met Jan. 29 with the Education Appropriations Subcommittee to present Iowa State's FY20 request for additional investment by the state for key university priorities. 

  • Board of Regents announces 5-year tuition plan

In a Nov. 15 email to campus, President Wintersteen shared the Board of Regents' 5-year plan for resident undergraduate tuition. 

  • FY20 Resources Request to Board of Regents

Investing in Iowa State: providing value for our students and state.

  • Regents have first look at tuition increases for fall

President Wintersteen's statement re: tuition and state appropriation

Public presentations

Reallocations bolster new budget

August 02, 2018

Iowa State leaders will rely on just over $14 million in new revenue and approximately $4.5 million in internal reallocations to fund the university's top priorities this year, including $5 million for employee salary increases.

Governor's budget includes cuts this year and next

Jan. 11, 2018

Gov. Kim Reynolds' budget recommendations, released Jan. 9 in conjunction with her Condition of the State address, would take back $5.1 million in state support from the regents schools in the current budget year. Leaders at the state Board of Regents said the University of Northern Iowa and two special schools, serving PK-12 students with sight and hearing impairments, would not be subject to midyear cuts. Iowa State and the University of Iowa would share most of any reduction.

Public presentations

Most of midyear reversion to be absorbed centrally

April 19, 2018

About 75 percent -- nearly $4 million -- of Iowa State's fourth-quarter budget cut will be absorbed centrally through one-time savings, President Wendy Wintersteen told the state Board of Regents at its April 12 meeting in Council Bluffs. Key strategies include using one-time, nonrecurring funds; leaving vacant positions (primarily in the university services division) unfilled through June 30; and investing in fewer campus facilities needs as they arise.

Regents approve FY18 budget, three improvement projects

Aug. 3, 2017

Iowa State's general fund operating budget for the fiscal year that began July 1 includes net incremental revenue of $14.2 million. This includes $26 million in additional tuition and $1.5 million more in indirect cost recoveries on sponsored research, offset by $13.3 million less in state operating appropriations than a year ago. The loss in state support amounts to about a 5.5 percent reduction from a year ago.

ISU leaders await FY18 state funding decisions

April 6, 2017

In Gov. Terry Branstad's revised state budget recommendations for the fiscal year that begins on July 1, Iowa State would receive $4.5 million less in state support. This is in addition to the $8.9 million in mid-year cuts made to the general university appropriation this winter, which permanently lowered Iowa State's base education appropriation.

Public presentations

Planning begins for mid-year budget cuts

Jan. 12, 2017

University leaders have begun planning for a state funding cut with less than six months remaining in the budget year that ends June 30.

Flat tuition proposed next year for ISU, UNI resident undergraduates

October 15, 2015

2016-17 tuition rates, a three-year supplemental tuition proposal for international students, TIER updates and a student-led proposal to keep grad and professional program graduates in Iowa are on the agenda whe the state Board of Regents meets Oct. 21-22 in Iowa City.

Public presentations

Regents review tuition request, approve more leased apartments

August 06, 2015

Regents review tuition request, approve more leased apartments, approves presidential salary increases and a nonprofit facilties corporation and cremation garden concept for Iowa State, and clears the way for design to begin on the Student Innovation Center.

Spring tuition increase is for ISU, UNI students only

September 11, 2015

Student leaders present different pictures of the revenue needs on their campuses.

Half of new dollars in next operating budget will bolster the student experience

July 16, 2015

Iowa State will invest about $23.5 million more this year -- including $14 million in reallocated funds -- in services and programs that enhance the academic and campus experience for students.

Incremental state operating support next year is shy of 1 percent

June 18, 2015

One-time funds surpass recurring dollars for Iowa State in appropriation bills that await the governor's signature.

FY16 salary parameters are announced

May 14, 2015

Uncertainty about state funding and tuition revenue likely will make it a year if lean salary increases for most employees.

Leath: FY16 budget will be shaped by four priorities

December 11, 2014

Iowa State's operating budget for the year that begins next July will be shaped by the four broad priorities President Steven Leath first presented two years ago during his installation. Leath also asked his senior VPs to invest in the May action plans of two standing presidential work groups.

Performance-based funding: What it is and why it's important

November 13, 2014

An Inside Q&A explains the state Board of Regents' new model for allocating state funds, including why it created some controversy and how it should fix a long-standing inequity.

Regents consider third tuition freeze

October 30, 2014

As the state Board of Regents last week reviewed a proposal for modest tuition increases next year, regent Larry McKibben announced his intent to propose a third straight tuition freeze when the board votes on the topic on Dec. 3.

Regents will seek state funds to implement funding model

September 11, 2014

The state Board of Regents' funding request to the 2015 Legislature will include nearly $13 million in "supplemental" funding next year to implement the performance-based funding model for the three regent universities approved by the board in June.

Public presentation

Regents review tuition request, approve more leased apartments

August 06, 2015:  Regents review tuition request, approve more leased apartments, approves presidential salary increases and a nonprofit facilties corporation and cremation garden concept for Iowa State, and clears the way for design to begin on the Student Innovation Center.

Spring tuition increase is for ISU, UNI students only

September 11, 2015:  Student leaders present different pictures of the revenue needs on their campuses.

Half of new dollars in next operating budget will bolster the student experience

July 16, 2015:  Iowa State will invest about $23.5 million more this year -- including $14 million in reallocated funds -- in services and programs that enhance the academic and campus experience for students.

Incremental state operating support next year is shy of 1 percent

June 18, 2015:  One-time funds surpass recurring dollars for Iowa State in appropriation bills that await the governor's signature.

FY16 salary parameters are announced

May 14, 2015:  Uncertainty about state funding and tuition revenue likely will make it a year if lean salary increases for most employees.

Leath: FY16 budget will be shaped by four priorities

December 11, 2014:  Iowa State's operating budget for the year that begins next July will be shaped by the four broad priorities President Steven Leath first presented two years ago during his installation. Leath also asked his senior VPs to invest in the May action plans of two standing presidential work groups.

Performance-based funding: What it is and why it's important

November 13, 2014:  An Inside Q&A explains the state Board of Regents' new model for allocating state funds, including why it created some controversy and how it should fix a long-standing inequity.

Regents consider third tuition freeze

October 30, 2014:  As the state Board of Regents last week reviewed a proposal for modest tuition increases next year, regent Larry McKibben announced his intent to propose a third straight tuition freeze when the board votes on the topic on Dec. 3.

Regents will seek state funds to implement funding model

September 11, 2014:  The state Board of Regents' funding request to the 2015 Legislature will include nearly $13 million in "supplemental" funding next year to implement the performance-based funding model for the three regent universities approved by the board in June.

Public presentation

Regents approve final budget, transparency recommendations

August 15, 2013

The state Board of Regents approved the FY14 university budget, endorsed recommendations of a transparency task force and heard a report on ISU's strategic plan during its Aug. 8 meeting in the Memorial Union.

New revenue in FY14 budget will target priority items

June 27, 2013

Approximately $11.5 million will be directed to initiatives that address broad university priorities shared last fall by President Leath.

State appropriations will help expand research park

June 27, 2013

A bill passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Terry Branstad provides $12 million to finance construction of a new building and site to house several services and agencies in the Iowa State University Research Park.

FY14 salary parameters set

June 06, 2013

Faculty and P&S staff with performance evaluations will see a salary increase on July 1 of at least 1 percent (1.5 percent for those with salaries of $60,000 or less). Those with exemplary evaluations also may receive merit-based increases. Merit employees not at the maximum salary in their pay grades will receive a 4.5 percent increase on their university anniversary date.

Special allocation intended to boost humanities salaries

June 06, 2013

President Steven Leath, provost Jonathan Wickert and LAS dean Beate Schmittmann have allocated $450,000 toward humanities salaries and benefits. The funds are intended to bring the average salaries of tenured and tenure-track ISU humanities faculty closer to salaries of their peers at other institutions.

Review of budget model wraps up

April 11, 2013

After a nearly two-year review process, more than two dozen recommendations will be implemented to either the university's budget model or budget development process. Another 20 recommendations have been either referred to the provost's office or held for another look.

A local look at the federal sequester

March 14, 2013

Armed with few solid details about cuts in their federal funding, campus leaders weigh their options for reducing their own budgets yet this year.

Funding source for salary increases not certain

January 24, 2013

The governor's proposed FY14 budget includes additional operating funds for Iowa State. However, zero to modest tuition rate hikes and the slim possibility of inclusion in a salary bill creates uncertainty about salary increases next year.

Four priorities guide planning for FY14 and beyond

November 8, 2012

Using the strategic plan as a starting point, president Steven Leath identified four priorities that will guide both effort and budget planning over the next several years. Senior vice presidents will use the four to set priorities and develop budgets within their own units.

Changes to budget model won't affect FY14 budgets

October 25, 2012

The process of implementing changes to the university budget model is under way, but no changes will be made this year that affect budgets for the fiscal year that begins next July.

Some changes are coming to ISU budget model

August 16, 2012

After reviewing a task force report on the effectiveness of Iowa State's now 5-year-old budget model, president Steven Leath has decided Iowa State will continue to use the model. He will, however, implement changes aimed at making the model work more effectively and efficiently for this university.

FY13 budget priorities: Student experience, research, salaries

August 9, 2012

Iowa State will invest additional dollars this year to bolster the educational experience for students, its research enterprise, and compensation for faculty and staff. These were tapped as priorities since early in the budget planning process and are part of Iowa State's FY13 budget approved Aug. 3 by the state Board of Regents.