
Current & Prior Budget Reports & Information:

Institution Reports

Four reports, with varying levels of organizational detail, provide summarized revenue and expense information for the legislative funds budget. Legislative funds include state operating appropriations, federal and state directed appropriations, tuition, indirect cost revenue, and other miscellaneous revenue. 

All reports show the entire institutional budget. Some provide budget summaries for each of the four organizational divisions, some provide budget summaries for the major business units, i.e. colleges, vice presidential, senior vice presidential and presidential.

Business Unit and Department Reports

Summarized revenue and expense budgets are provided for each business unit and the departments within that business unit. Like the institutional reports, the information reflects legislative funds.

Uniform Accounting Classification

Two reports summarize the general university budget using eight uniform accounting classifications: academic support, instruction, institutional support, operation and maintenance of plant, public service, research, scholarships and fellowships, and student services. One reports summarizes the budget by the classifications with amounts for each Business Unit. A second report summarizes the budget for each Business Unit and displays its budget by the eight classifications.

Auxiliary Budgets

An annual operating budget for significant auxiliary enterprises are included here.

Restricted Funds

An aggregated summary of revenue and expense is provided for expendable restricted and other funds, including funds closely related to education, funds whose use is restricted by terms of the gift, grant, or contract, and funds for units providing service to the institution. Organized activities, auxiliary enterprises and independent operations are included.

Annual Audited Financial Reports

Board of Regents Comprehensive Fiscal Reports

End of Year Final Information:                                                

FY2021 Comprehensive Fiscal Report Posted in Nov. 2021
FY2020 Comprehensive Fiscal Report Posted in Nov. 2020
FY2019 Comprehensive Fiscal Report  Posted in Nov. 2019