RMM Overview



Funding Definitions 

Iowa State University generates revenue and receives funding from various sources. The classification of the various revenue and funding sources are listed below.  Click on the arrow to expand or click on Illustrated University Funding Sources Diagram.

General Fund

The revenue and funding that is managed within the General Fund is used to support:

  • educational activities, central academic administration and support offices
  • research activities, central research administration and support offices
  • outreach activities, central outreach administration and support offices
  • university library
  • central student services administration and support offices
  • central business services administration and support offices
  • special purpose units


Restricted Funds

The revenue and funding that is managed outside the General Fund is used to support:

  • student activities
  • research activities
  • outreach activities
  • service centers
  • auxiliary enterprises

Units and programs across the university receive funding support from both the General Fund and non-General Fund sources.

Resource Unit Definitions 

Primary resource units have been defined that include both Resource Responsibility Centers and Administrative Service Centers. These primary resource units, along with the responsible administrators, are listed below.  Click on arrow to expand each section's information.

Resource Responsibility Centers

Primary Resource Unit Administrator
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Business Dean, College of Business
College of Design Dean, College of Design
College of Engineering Dean, College of Engineering
College of Human Sciences Dean, College of Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
Research Vice President, Research and Economic Development
Extension and Outreach Vice President, Extension and Outreach
Experiment Station Director, Experiment Station
Student Affairs Auxiliaries Senior Vice President, Division of Student Affairs

Administrative Service Centers

Primary Resource Unit Administrator
University Administration and Support President
Academic Administration and Support Senior Vice President and Provost
Library Dean, University Library
Information Technology Services

Vice Provost, Information Technology; Chief Information Officer

Student Services Senior Vice President, Division of Student Affairs
Business Services Senior Vice President, Division of Business and Finance
Facility Services Senior Vice President, Division of Business and Finance


The Resource Responsibility Centers generate revenues and receive funding from external sources. The Administrative Service Centers do not directly generate revenue, but provide administrative and support services to resource units across the university.


Secondary resource units exist within each primary resource unit. Secondary resource units include departments, programs, centers and institutes.

Resource Distribution Methodology

The Resource Management Model addresses revenue distribution and expense allocation only to the level of the primary resource units and is designed to increase transparency in budgeting at that level. Methodologies for distributing revenue and expenses to the secondary resource units should be determined by each administrator of the primary resource unit.

The Resource Flow Diagram, illustrates the flow of resources through the institution under the Resource Management Model. The direction of the arrows depicts the flow of the resources. The university's primary external revenue sources are on the left side of the diagram. The Resource Responsibility Centers are in the middle part of the diagram. Resources flow from the Resource Responsibility Centers to the six Administrative Service Centers that are listed on the right side of the diagram.